Hooray to all ICT people! You are being prioritized in one of Canada's provinces. If you are a client, we have sent you an email re this program. If you have not received any emails from us, let us know by chatting us on our chat support.
To those who would still like to see their options, Canada would open programs from time to time. This time, ICT people have been given the chance to get nominated by a certain province in Canada. Below are just some of the ICT occupations being prioritized by the said province. Let us know if you are in the list ASAP
account manager, IT (information technology) consulting
administrator, data
administrator, database
analyst, business – computer systems
analyst, computer
analyst, computer simulations
analyst, computer systems
analyst, database
analyst, EDP (electronic data processing)
analyst, electronic data processing (EDP) systems
analyst, informatics security
analyst, information systems – computer systems
analyst, information technology (IT)
analyst, management information systems (MIS)
analyst, MIS (management information systems)
analyst, systems
analyst, systems technical support
animation programmer
application architect
application programmer
application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design engineer
application tester
application testing technician
applications analyst – computer systems
architect, database
artificial intelligence (AI) designer
artificial intelligence analyst
artificial intelligence consultant
artificial intelligence designer
auditor, systems
business analyst, computer systems
business analyst, informatics
business application programmer
business continuity analyst
business re-engineering analyst, systems
business systems analyst
business systems specialist – computer systems
call centre agent – technical support
capacity planner, network
capacity planning analyst
client support representative – systems
communication systems design manager
computer analyst
computer and related services manager
computer application programmer
computer applications engineer
computer applications manager
computer consultant
computer department co-ordinator
computer development division head
computer engineer
computer engineer (except software)
computer facility manager
computer game developer
computer hardware engineer
computer help desk representative – systems
computer help desk supervisor
computer manager
computer networks manager
computer programmer
computer programs manager
computer projects manager
computer simulations analyst
computer software design manager
computer software engineer
computer system operations manager
computer systems analyst
computer systems development co-ordinator
computer systems development manager
computer systems engineer
computer systems manager
computer telecommunications software specialist
computer telecommunications specialist
computerized information systems manager
computerized technical information manager
consultant, data processing
consultant, information technology (IT)
consultant, management information systems (MIS)
consultant, systems
contingency planner, information systems
co-ordinator, computer systems development
data administrator
data analyst – informatics and systems
data centre manager
data communications specialist
data custodian
data dictionary administrator
data miner
data mining analyst
data processing consultant
data processing director
data processing manager
data processing planning manager
data processing specialist
data warehouse analyst
database administrator (DBA)
database analyst
database analyst (DBA)
database architect
database architect (DBA)
database designer
database management supervisor – computer systems
database manager
DBA (database administrator)
DBA (database analyst)
DBA (database architect)
design engineer, software
designer, database
designer, software
detail programmer
developer, software
director of technology management
director, data processing
director, information systems development
director, information systems operations
director, software engineering
e-business (electronic business) software developer
e-commerce (electronic commerce) software developer
EDP (electronic data processing) analyst
EDP (electronic data processing) applications programmer
EDP (electronic data processing) auditor
EDP (electronic data processing) manager
EDP (electronic data processing) specialist
EDP (electronic data processing) systems analyst
electronic business (e-business) software developer
electronic commerce (e-commerce) software developer
electronic data processing (EDP) applications programmer
electronic data processing (EDP) auditor
electronic data processing (EDP) manager
electronic data processing (EDP) specialist
electronic data processing (EDP) systems analyst
embedded software engineer
engineer, computer (except software)
engineer, computer hardware
engineer, hardware
engineer, network systems
engineer, optical communications
engineer, optical communications hardware
engineer, software
engineer, telecommunications hardware
fibre-optic network designer
game developer, computer
graphical user interface (GUI) designer
graphical user interface (GUI) developer
hardware circuit board designer
hardware design engineer
hardware development engineer
hardware engineer
hardware installation technician
hardware specialist, telecommunications
hardware technical architect
hardware technical support analyst
help desk agent, technical
help desk analyst – systems
help desk supervisor, computer
help desk technical agent
help desk technician
informatics applications analyst
informatics business analyst
informatics consultant
informatics quality assurance (QA) analyst
informatics security analyst
informatics security consultant
information resource analyst
information systems analyst – computer systems
information systems business analyst
information systems contingency planner
information systems manager
information systems quality assurance (QA) analyst
information systems quality assurance analyst
information technology (IT) analyst
information technology (IT) business analyst
information technology (IT) consultant
information technology (IT) development manager
information technology (IT) integration manager
installation technician, hardware
installation technician, software
interactive media consultant
interactive media developer
interactive media programmer
Internet security analyst
Internet systems administrator
IT (information technology) business analyst
IT (information technology) consultant
IT (information technology) consulting account manager
IT (information technology) development manager
IT (information technology) integration manager
Java programmer
mainframe systems programmer
management information systems (MIS) analyst
management information systems consultant
manager, computer and related services
manager, computer application development
manager, computer applications
manager, computer facility
manager, computer legacy systems
manager, computer system operations
manager, computer systems
manager, computer systems development
manager, computerized information systems
manager, data centre
manager, data processing
manager, data processing and systems analysis
manager, data processing planning
manager, database
manager, EDP (electronic data processing)
manager, electronic data processing (EDP)
manager, information systems
manager, information technology (IT) implementation
manager, information technology (IT) integration
manager, IT (information technology) implementation
manager, IT (information technology) integration
manager, management information system (MIS)
manager, MIS (management information system)
manager, network design
manager, software engineering
manager, systems – computer systems
manager, systems development – computer systems
microprocessor designer and application engineer
microwave systems engineer
microwave transmission systems engineer
minicomputer systems programmer
MIS (management information system) manager
MIS (management information systems) analyst
MIS (management information systems) consultant
multimedia consultant
multimedia developer
multimedia programmer
network architect – computer systems
network designer – computer systems
network engineer, communication hardware
network specialist – computer systems
network systems engineer
network test engineer
operating systems programmer
optical communications engineer
optical communications hardware engineer
optical systems engineer – telecommunications
PC (personal computer) application developer
PC (personal computer) support analyst
personal computer (PC) application developer
planner, systems security
programmer analyst
programmer, animation
programmer, interactive media
programmer, special effects
programmer, systems
programmer, Web
QA (quality assurance) analyst – informatics
quality assurance (QA) auditor, software
quality assurance analyst, information systems
radio systems engineer
satellite data transmission engineer
satellite scientific telecommunications programmer
scientific programmer
security planner, systems
simulation software design engineer
simulations analyst – computer systems
software architect
software design engineer
software design supervisor
software design verification engineer
software designer
software developer
software developer, e-business (electronic business)
software developer, e-commerce (electronic commerce)
software developer, electronic business (e-business)
software developer, electronic commerce (e-commerce)
software development manager
software development programmer
software engineer
software installation technician
software programmer
software QA (quality assurance) analyst
software QA (quality assurance) auditor
software quality assurance (QA) analyst
software systems designer
software systems integration engineer
software technical architect
software technical support analyst
software test co-ordinator
software tester
software testing engineer
software testing technician
spacecraft electronics engineer – hardware
special effects programmer
specialist, electronic data processing (EDP)
specialist, telecommunications hardware
specialist, telecommunications software
supervisor, database management – computer systems
supervisor, software design
supervisor, technical support
system integration analyst
system integration consultant
systems analyst
systems analyst, EDP (electronic data processing)
systems analyst, electronic data processing (EDP)
systems applications engineer
systems auditor
systems consultant
systems designer – hardware
systems designer – software
systems development manager
systems development manager – computer systems
systems engineer – software
systems implementation manager – computer systems
systems integration engineer – software
systems integration manager – computer systems
systems manager – computer systems
systems operations manager – computer systems
systems programmer
systems QA (quality assurance) analyst
systems quality assurance (QA) analyst
systems security analyst
systems security planner
systems specialist – computer systems
systems specialist, business – computer systems
systems support representative
systems technical support analyst
systems tester
systems testing technician
technical architect – database
technical architect – hardware
technical architect – software
technical help desk agent
technical support analyst – systems
technical support supervisor
technician, application testing
technician, software testing
telecommunications engineer
telecommunications hardware engineer
telecommunications hardware specialist
telecommunications software engineer
telecommunications software specialist
telecommunications specialist – computer systems
telecommunications systems specialist
teleprocessing software programmer
test coordination analyst
test engineer, software
testing engineer, software
user acceptance tester
user support technician
visual basic programmer
Web programmer
wireless communications network engineer
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